Peggy has been working at Wellington Rehabilitation & Healthcare, in Nightdale, North Carolina for 22 years. She started out as a CNA for the first seven or so years of her career, and for the last 11 years she has added the role of restorative aide to her job description. The two sides to her job keep her very busy, but she finds it extremely rewarding. Being able to become a restorative aide was one of the best things that happened for Peggy. She said, “I have liked being a restorative aide because I get to walk with the people and get them back on their feet. I like helping them heal.”

Peggy really enjoys working with the residents and being able to help them. It’s actually her favorite part about working at Wellington. She said “you get attached to certain residents when you work in the same place for so long. It’s pretty much a family here.” Talking to residents and assisting her co-workers is what keeps her motivated to come to work each day.  Even on tough days, Peggy is able to stay driven by the idea that every day she comes to work she gets to be with her family and help the residents heal.

Over the years, Peggy has had the chance to work with many residents who have changed her life and her outlook on her work. One resident in particular passed away recently. This resident was very special to Peggy because she would always tell her about her life and during walks together, she would always make Peggy laugh as they went along. Her sense of humor was something that Peggy cherished greatly. But, the residents aren’t the only people who have impacted Peggy’s life. She greatly appreciates each of her co-workers as well. She said, “as CNAs, we all work together, and it’s always a team effort.”

"as CNAs, we all work together, and it’s always a team effort.”


Peggy has not only been honored for one Core Value, but ALL of them! To Peggy, each Core Value is extremely important, but in particular she feels that compassion is the most important to her. She said, “It’s important to have feelings of understanding for the residents. Some of them don’t have family here, and they depend on you to be their family.” All of the residents depend on Peggy in one way or another, no matter their family situation. So, it’s important to Peggy to always be compassionate about each person’s needs and circumstances.

Peggy has no desire to leave Wellington, and she believes that she will one day retire there too. She said, “I like this work, and I don’t want to get into anything else.” She is completely happy in her work and has a lot of energy and fire to keep on going for a while. But, when she does finally retire, she wants to be remembered as “a nice, caring person who loved to help people.” Peggy has a way with people and with the members of her Wellington family. We are so proud to call her part of the Consulate Health Care family, and we wish her the best. Thank you Peggy!

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