“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” – Maya Angelou

Change is a tricky thing. In some cases, change is a welcomed breath of fresh air, but in others, it can be a burden to those stubbornly set in their ways. For Michael Arnett, a patient at Consulate Health Care’s Kenwood View Health and Rehabilitation Center in Salina, KS, change was never easy, but it was necessary when it came to his health. When Michael was first admitted to Kenwood View Care Center in December 2015, he thought he might never walk again. But, being cognizant of the mindset his recovery would require, he recognized his options: let himself get worse or work towards making a positive physical change. With the help of the Kenwood staff and a shift in attitude, he chose the latter and has been an inspiration to his peers in the process.

Michael moved to Salina to begin his career as a truck driver, a job he enjoyed but came with a cost. Long hours on the road brought poor diet and extended periods of sitting, all of which negatively impacted his health. At just 56 years old, Michael arrived at Kenwood View fighting a severe infection while also living with Type 2 Diabetes, two complications that eventually led to his right leg being amputated. For most of his Kenwood View rehabilitation journey, it took two assistants for him to be able to get up and move around. A difficult situation for anyone, Michael remained positive and thankful for the support of a dedicated Kenwood View staff. Positive may be an understatement. Michael became known as the care center’s cheerleader and made it his mission get to know everyone on his rehabilitation floor and encourage them during activities and strength building sessions. During exercise classes at Kenwood View, Michael would position himself at the front of the room, high-fiving and providing a boost of energy to his fellow residents. He was a welcomed encourager to all of the rehabilitation patients, and the staff appreciated his willingness to help bring positivity to those who were struggling to be equally optimistic. Michael treated everyone at Kenwood View as a member of his extended family and the staff took notice.

05.23.16_Kenwood_txt“Family is about the people in your life who want you to be a part of their lives. It’s about the people in your life who accept you for who you are, support you in the things you choose to do and no matter what are there for you,” Leah said. “It’s the people in your life who love you, respect you and who you can depend on. That’s a family, and that’s what Michael is to the people of Kenwood. He’s a part of this family.”

After a grueling battle, and with a little help from his friends, Michael is now able to walk without assistance. He told us he intends to stick with his new, healthier lifestyle and return to the Kenwood View care center to volunteer so he can continue encouraging patients on their road to recovery. He also plans to get back to the things he truly enjoys such as exchanging recipes with friends, cooking, fishing, and going golfing on Sundays.

“Michael has had many hard trials in life, but they never dulled his spirits,” said Leah Lopez, Staff Ambassador at Kenwood View. “Not only was he incredibly positive throughout his own journey, he was a constant source of positivity for everyone at the care center who faced similar battles.” Both Michael and the staff dedicated themselves to a speedy recovery through rehabilitation, motivation and, most importantly, lifelong friendships that Michael could lean on during a particularly rough day. These relationships helped push Michael towards a positive and healthy change and even encouraged other patients to more passionately pursue positive outcomes during their own tough times. These are the relationships that are built everyday across our care centers and we are proud of Michael and the Kenwood View staff for being constant support systems for one another. While Michael has returned home after a successful rehabilitation, he’ll always be a part of the Kenwood View family and we look forward to having him back as a volunteer!

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