Tag Archives: #CHIRPSSpotlight

Committed to making a difference

Serving as the Community Life Director for Transitional Health Services of Kannapolis, Melanie Russell knows the importance of always showing up for her residents and co-workers.

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Showing compassion for 20 years

Brenda Golladay is one of the many exceptional individuals we are honored to have in our Consulate family. She has been working at Consulate Health Care of Woodstock for over 20 years, since its opening.

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Consulate Health Care's Ashley Ardoin earns the CHIRPs spotlight.

Facilitating IT Solutions

Helping others find ways to do their job most efficiently is a passion for Ashley Ardoin. He has created an environment where coworkers always feel welcome to approach him for guidance.

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Photo of Jamie Taphorn smiling next to the Fletcher Health and Rehab sign. The word passion is printed below.

An infectious passion and hope

Jamie Taphorn, administrator-in-training at Fletcher Health and Rehabilitation Center, has an infectious passion for senior health care, and a refreshingly energetic approach to making residents’ lives better each and every day. Learn more about her career journey here, and where she’s going next.

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