Consulate Health Care is proud to announce that Patricia Cormack, Certified Nursing Assistant at Renaissance Health and Rehabilitation in West Palm Beach, FL, was chosen as the 2017 FHCA Certified Nursing Assistant of the Year.
Patricia began her career as a Certified Nursing Assistant 31 years ago after obtaining her CNA license in May of 1986. Shortly thereafter, she began her career at Renaissance where she has remained since.
“Patricia strives to consistently deliver empathetic care. She is willing to share her experience with new staff and has mentored countless team members.” Tricia Wiszniewski, Director of Nursing, said. “She is eager to do whatever it takes to promote residents’ wellbeing and extends herself beyond the duties of her job, not because anyone is watching or because she is looking for recognition, but because she simply loves caring for people.”
The Florida Health Care Association (FHCA) was founded in 1954 and has since had a strong history of leadership and advocacy. The awards – announced to their respective recipients on June 1 at the annual Long Term Care Excellence in Nursing Awards Luncheon – recognize the role that nurse leaders play in quality improvement to long term care communities.
Eligibility for this award is based on holding a current certificate from the State of Florida for at least 30 months, being employed at an FHCA member center for at least two years, maintaining a good attendance record, practicing good public relation and leadership skills, as well as completing required documentation accurately and timely. In addition, prospective winners are judged based on varied areas of expertise including clinical practice, person-centered care, continuous quality improvement, customer responsiveness, leadership and communication.
In addition to the awards given to the winners at the annual Long Term Care Excellence in Nursing Awards Luncheon, Executive Director Gary Krulewitz presented an award to Patricia on behalf Consulate Health Care. There will also be a duplicate award proudly displayed at the care center to recognize her achievement.
Consulate Health Care is delighted to have Ms. Cormack in our family of caregivers. Thank you for your commitment to serving our residents through excellent quality care.

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