In 1963, President John F. Kennedy deemed the month of May as Senior Citizens Month. This celebration has since been renamed as Older Americans Month. The 2016 theme is “Blaze a Trail.” Read on to learn more about how you can take part.
Blaze a Trail
This year’s theme refers to noting the contributions that older Americans have made throughout their lives. It also notes that people should celebrate when seniors are proactive about their health and hold a valuable place in their community by positively impacting the people around them. Almost everyone knows someone who really goes out of their way to take care of themselves and others. Celebrate these individuals during May with the following activities.
Talk about a senior’s accomplishments
Many older people spend their time focusing on others. They may listen to grandkids talk for hours and be available for late night chats with their kids. Seniors don’t always share their stories unless prompted because they’re so busy caring for loved ones. Take this opportunity to ask your older loved one what he or she is proud of. You may hear about family, fighting in a war, running a business, being a good parent or even “you!” Don’t just let the conversation end there; ask questions and learn more about what’s important to the person. You’ll enjoy getting to know more about them, and you may learn something he or she has never shared with you even after years of friendship.

Discuss senior advocacy
In keeping with the “Blaze a Trail” theme, you can talk with a senior about standing up for the rights of older citizens. Some people aren’t aware that senior issues are a political factor that voters can look for when deciding who to support. AARP noted that people should pay attention to social security, Medicare and rights for older workers when deciding who to cast their vote for. These issues affect senior finances and healthcare, as well as whether they can work past the typical retirement age. Making legislative changes can take a long time, so voting for someone who cares about older voters now may just provide enough time for the politician to instate real change for you to reap the benefits as you age.
Plan ahead
Optimal senior health and wellness takes planning and dedication. Seniors who eat balanced meals and partake in physical activities as well as mentally stimulating tasks tend to experience a better quality of life. Seniors and their caregivers may feel more peace of mind when they discuss important health-related matters such as end of life care. Caregivers should know who the senior has granted power of attorney so they can turn to the dedicated individual in case of an emergency. While it’s difficult to talk about subjects like wills, preparing for an emergency beforehand is a smart idea that will help take away a lot of stress that occurs at the time. Plus, addressing a senior’s estate while he or she able to dictate plans for belongings and health is much better than trying to figure out what to do if the individual hasn’t shared his or her wishes.
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