When residents walk through our care centers’ doors, they bring a lifetime worth of wonderful stories to share. The staff across the different centers are always excited to hear about their youth, crazy fun memories, and love stories. Kenneth was not different. When he arrived at Siemon’s Lakeview Manor Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in 2018, he would tell all the staff members about his wife, Linda, who he has been together with for 59 years.
Ken, as he likes to be called, loves sharing stories about his youth and time in Baltimore, MD, where he was born. He also brags about his athleticism, as he was part of the track and field and cross-country teams in high school. Later in life, he became a soccer coach and even got to help with the softball team. With the countless memories he loves to share, his favorites are the ones he shared with his wife, Linda.
Since Ken was admitted, Linda would visit him with their son and occasionally bring their three grandchildren. Seeing her and spending some time together would brighten up his day. Ken’s mood would change just with her sight, and a smile would come immediately. He had photos of her in her room and was not shy about showing them to everyone that walked into his room.ent of their story.
In 2020, Linda was also admitted to Siemon’s Lakeview Manor. Linda was a great storyteller. When she has the chance to talk to the staff, she enjoys reminiscing about her childhood living on a farm in Colorado. She also loves to tell everyone about the time she moved to Baltimore and met the love of her life, Ken.
Together at the center, they will be reaching the 60th-anniversary soon. Being the only couple at Siemon’s Lakeview Manor, Ken and Linda enjoy spending their time together watching TV. They take their time relaxing and taking strolls together through the hallways.

The staff at the center are really excited to see their love flourish each and every day. It is a pleasure being a little part of Ken and Linda’s love story. We are glad we are able to learn about our residents and their life, and even happier to be able to be a positive component of their story.
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