If you reside in an senior living community, you have likely encountered an activity professional. These individuals plan and execute the many exciting classes and gatherings available at senior living locations. They are an integral part of keeping older individuals active and entertained. January 17-23, 2016, is National Activity Professionals Week. Here are some ways to thank the activity professional in your life:
One of the easiest and most appreciated ways to show you are thankful for an activity professional is to attend their events. Going to crafting classes and exercise meetings tells planners that their hard work is noted and they are doing a good job. Plus, these activities give many seniors something to look forward to and offer opportunities for you to learn new things. You may even attend a class where you could make a card thanking the activity professional for their commitment to offering fun gatherings for those in senior living communities.
Give thanks
Not everyone realizes how much work goes into planning and executing events. From scheduling to securing supplies and rounding up attendees, activity professionals have a busy job. You can show your gratitude for them with a simple, “Thank you!” when you go to their classes. Mention that you liked the new schedule, made a recipe from the class handout or even felt less sore after partaking in the stretching routine you learned at an event. He or she will appreciate your feedback.

You can inspire activities professionals simply by attending their classes or saying thanks.
Offer assistance
You can really help garner participation for events at your senior living community, so consider offering your assistance to the activity professional when it comes time to advertise an event. You can talk about what’s on the calendar with your friends and acquaintances and even rally the troops right before a class or gathering begins. Marketing may not be the only way you can help. If you’re able to, ask the professional if they need any particular assistance, such as readying snacks, passing out brochures or workbooks or demonstrating workout moves. You can learn a lot and give back to your community through these easy ways of helping out. Plus, you’ll show the activity professional that you appreciate his or her hard work.
Share your gratitude
These days when someone enjoys a restaurant they can share that they loved the food and service via websites like Yelp. You can give a good review of an activity professional by telling other members of the senior living community staff how much the events he or she puts on mean to you. Tell someone in person or write a note or email detailing what classes are great, why you attend and even note improvements you foresee would be helpful. Some senior care centers even offer surveys where residents can sing the praises of activity professionals and other staff members. Say thanks and show your activity professional that you appreciate all the hard work by telling his or her boss.
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