Consulate Health Care employees are continually striving towards enhanced wellness. In our efforts, we’d like to share with you the same tips and information that we are sharing with our employees. This week, we’re focused on nutrition.

We all know that eating properly is a critical piece of maintaining fitness. With our hectic daily schedules, we may not plan out our meals ahead of time and end up compromising our nutritional intake by grabbing a fast or convenient food when we can. One way to easily avoid this last minute pitfall is to plan your meal ahead of time, either the night before or in the morning.

One great way to transport a healthy meal on the go is by using a salad shaker. You can fill the shaker’s main compartment with lettuce, vegetables, and all your favorite salad ingredients. Some salad shakers even have a nifty fork that fits right inside. There is a separate section for your dressing, so you can add the dressing just before eating. This will keep the ingredients from getting soggy before you’re ready to eat. When you’re about to eat your salad, you just close the container, give it a shake, and voila – your salad is ready!

Try this recipe for Asian Noodle salad in your salad shaker for a quick, portable and yummy lunch. There are tons of other salad shaker and “salad in a jar” recipes online. You can change up the ingredients to suit your tastes. The options are endless, and you can share ideas with your friends.

You can also use an app like “My Fitness Pal” to keep track of what you eat each day. The app lets you easily record your calories, nutritional intake and water consumption each day.

Keep in mind…

Healthy eating starts with learning new ways to eat, such as adding more fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and cutting back on foods that have a lot of fat, salt, and sugar.

Balance your plate… and your diet!

Healthy eating starts with learning new ways to eat, such as adding more fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and cutting back on foods that have a lot of fat, salt, and sugar.

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