Andy Clark, Chief Nursing Officer for Consulate Health Care, expressed her gratitude to our executive nurses that worked tirelessly during the COVID-19 pandemic:


“I would like to honor Consulate Health Care’s COVID-19 Nurse Executive warriors, Deb Mack, RN, FL Clinical VP, Barbara Monaco, RN, Mid-ATL Clinical VP, DeLena Stortz, RN, Mid-ATL Clinical VP, and Maria Heinlein, RN, VP of QA Clinical Practices. These hard-working professionals began the battle against the coronavirus in January 2020, as information and alerts about the virus and pending pandemic began to spread. 

In January and February, Maria conducted Clinical Education calls providing current and updated information about the new, dangerous virus and outbreaks in China. The week of March 8, 2020, was Quality Assurance/Performance Improvement (QAPI) week at the Maitland office, but it quickly evolved into studying the guidance coming in from the CDC, CMS and State and Local Governance regarding the virus. The week was spent with Division, Region, and Clinical Teams developing Consulate’s Pandemic Plan which included an open communicating and transparency across the company. Most importantly, a plan was laid out to assure COVID-19 education reached all employees in the different centers and regions, in addition to a detailedly communication with decisions made to ensure safety for our patients and their families, and for our dedicated staff.

The Clinical VP’s Deb, Barbara, Delena and Maria are experienced executive nurses and excellent clinicians who never hesitated, and realized immediately the challenges ahead. As a team, they spent hours developing education and guidance that was provided on a daily basis to Consulate Health Care centers and region teams. Being vigilant 24/7 became the “pandemic norm.” As the virus entered the centers, these nurses were a phone call away from their teams 24 hours a day. The Clinical VP team had daily touch base calls to share issues, solve problems and support each other through the ups and downs of every day. This team of nurses provided support, and compassion to each other and to the center, region and division teams.

I thank and honor these dedicated COVID-19 warriors for saving lives and making a difference as we continue the battle against the virus. They truly do represent Consulate’s nurses with their knowledge, compassion and integrity.”

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