Aging is inevitable, but growing older doesn’t mean you should give up on healthy habits. In fact, it’s even more important to adopt a healthy lifestyle later in life, as that’s when you’re more susceptible to medical problems. It’s also never too late to start paying attention to your well-being if you’ve spent most of your life making unhealthy choices. This month is the perfect time to reevaluate your habits because September is Healthy Aging Month. Here are three ways you can participate in this national holiday.

1. Don’t act your age

Healthy Aging magazine explained that one way to feel younger and healthier is to think that way. The source suggested picking the age when you felt the best and had the most fun, whether it was 30, 45 or 52, and picturing yourself at that age every day when you wake up. You’ll probably find that you’ve been limiting yourself due to age – you may have stopped participating in certain things because you thought you were too old. Revisiting the habits of younger years can go a long way toward making you feel rejuvenated.

Focus on healthy aging this September. Focus on healthy aging this September.

2. Gain new knowledge

Your mental health is just as important as your physical well-being. Constantly learning new things is a great way to keep your mind sharp and clear, and can even go a long way toward preventing severe memory loss. However, many people stop consuming new information as they get older. If you feel like you’ve been ignoring your cognitive health, consider taking a class at a local college or online on a topic that interests you. If you don’t feel like returning to formal education, make it a goal to always be reading a book on an unfamiliar subject.

3. Stay social

Don’t fall into a habit of spending most of your time alone. While personal time is important for rest and relaxation, staying social is absolutely crucial for maintaining a healthy, happy and youthful lifestyle. Make a concerted effort to see family and friends as much as possible. Try scheduling regular coffee or dinner dates with loved ones so you have get-togethers to look forward to. Another great way to increase your social interaction is to sign up for a recreational class, like a swimming, sewing or cooking course, or take on some volunteer work.

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