COVID-19 has definitely introduced new challenges to all industries, including long-term care and post-acute care. Nevertheless, the team at Habana Health Care Center in Tampa, Florida has continued to see positive patient outcomes, all while constantly taking steps to keep the pandemic out of the building.
A lot goes into ensuring the safety of the patients and staff at Habana. Executive Director, Tiffany Ross, explained the important role of staff training and education, and that there are daily and weekly training sessions about Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the care center. In addition, all consenting residents and all staff were required to have COVID testing to make sure they don’t have the infection. The results of the testing were sent to the resident families, with updates being sent every 30 days. This regular communication to families also includes information about how to contact residents during “lockdown” and information regarding all of the efforts being made to maintain COVID-free status.
Vigilant communication seems to be the key to keeping the environment at Habana safe for patient healing, and Habana’s staff is successfully using several tools to keep all staff informed and up-to-date on any policy changes. In addition, department heads meet each morning and afternoon, and after these meetings, immediately disseminate the information to the entire staff.
Habana has received unexpected support from corporate America too. The Hanes corporation sent face masks to the care center, which were constructed from underwear material! Ford Motor company sent 150 face shields. According to Ross, “It’s great to see corporations taking notice of long-term care organizations.”

The best news from this pandemic is that patients are continuing to have fantastic outcomes as a result of their care and therapy at Habana Health Care. According to Susan B., who was a patient during the height of the pandemic, “I have come such a long way in such a very short time because they (staff at Habana) gave me the tools and skills and belief in myself to become such a success story. I will recommend them to anyone, they saved my life and I will be forever grateful for their professionalism, kindness, and patience that allowed me to be the best me possible.”
Andi R., who was a patient during April 2020 said, “With the grace of God and the Habana team, I have successfully advanced and will have the chance of being independent once again.” It’s the happy patients and success stories like these that propel the Habana Health Care Center staff to reach for the stars during extraordinarily challenging times.

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