“I don’t do my job to show other people that I am good at it; I do it because I have the passion for caring for others,” said Patrick Laurent, C.N.A. at Consulate Health Care of Port Charlotte. In 2020, he was chosen as the Employee of the Year for the center. His devotion to the job, residents, and staff makes him one of the most appreciated caregivers the center has ever seen.

Daily, Patrick takes care of his residents with attentiveness and a passion that comes entirely from his heart. His capability to always provide the best care for those in need makes him one of the resident’s favorite caregivers at the center. “My favorite thing about working here is that everyone shows appreciation for what I do. It is very special,” he said.

Patrick also spends time at the center teaching their nursing students. He says his main goal is to show them how rewarding it can be to take care of others. Patrick believes that having compassion is a requirement for this job. Every day, he works tirelessly to ensure that he made a positive impact on these residents, their families, and his coworker’s lives.

“I really like helping my residents, making sure they have what they want and need always. I love being able to care for them.”

He has many special stories about his time at the center, but one of the most touching ones happened recently. Coming back to the center after being off for two weeks, Patrick was met with cheers and celebration by his residents and coworkers. “One of the residents I take care of was so happy I was back that she cried. She has dementia, and to be able to share those emotions with her was so powerful,” he recalled.

Consulate Health Care of Port Charlotte’s HRC, Cindy Anderson, says that Patrick “regularly takes care of the more challenging residents and handles their care with compassion and understanding.” He is known around the care center for his positivity and ability to demonstrate the Consulate core values on a daily basis.

Even during the most challenging days, Patrick never fails to provide his residents the best care. It is an honor to have someone as dedicated and passionate in our Consulate team. With Certified Nurses Day approaching this March 19, 2021, we wanted to celebrate someone who makes it possible to provide residents and their families with the best service. Thank you for all that you do, Patrick!

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