A very special resident, Linnell Alexander, of Wellington Rehabilitation and Healthcare in Knightdale, NC has been at the care center for 10 years. Although we normally recognize employees for their service to our organization, Linnell is just as deserving of this recognition because she has done many wonderful things for her church over the last 50 years. Spending that much time dedicated to one church is absolutely amazing. To this day, Linnell is still an active member of her church and was recently awarded for her interaction within her community and the church.
Linnell’s journey with her church began in the 1940s. Led by her mother to Martin St. Baptist Church in Raleigh as a teenager, Linnell practically grew up there. She attended Sunday school, sang in the youth choir, and later became a women’s day speaker in the 60s. Throughout Linnell’s life, she maintained her connection to her church even while attending college and after she moved away as an adult. After Linnell’s son was born, she wanted her pastor from her church to be the one to baptize him, so she drove him from Buffalo to Raleigh just for that. Her dedication has always been above and beyond.

Linnell’s passion for her religion keeps her attending church every other Sunday. She even attends service at the care center along with the Lord’s supper on the Sundays she can’t make it to her church. Linnell also consumes much of her time serving others. Most of her drive for her church has come from the compassion she has for people and her desire to help. She said, “I fight very hard to serve others. I pray that I will continue to be a servant to others.” Linnell has always been a counselor by profession and in her personal life as well. She said, “I came from a family of 10 brothers and sisters, so we grew up helping each other, which has been applied to the remainder of my life. ”Linnell feels that she has been helped so much herself in life, that she wants to be able to pass that on to others.
Linnell carries that passion on in the care center and is a light of hope for the other residents around her. Although the transition to long-term care was difficult at first, Linnell grew to love Wellington, and she has found a second family there. She lives to be around others and to share her joy with those around her. We are so thankful to have Linnell as one of our residents and we are grateful for her positive energy and contagious smile. Thank you Linnell!
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