If the axiom “find a job you love and you won’t work a day in your life” holds true, then we know four women who haven’t worked a day in over 25 years.
It was over two decades ago when Fannie Newton, Glenda Reese, Gloria Williams, and Gretchen Donaghy-Bolyard joined the Consulate Health Care family and, since then, they have worked alongside one another day in and day out at University Hills Health and Rehabilitation in Pensacola, FL. Fast forward, now with over a century’s worth of combined experience under their belts, these skilled-nursing superheroes set the tone for the staff. “In terms of experience, knowledge, and skills, they are our go-to gals. They bring continuity of care and service to the care center,” says Paula Long, University Hills’ human resources director.
But the whole is only as good as the sum of its parts and each woman has played a unique and significant role in her own right. Take for example Fannie Newton, a CNA at University Hills. Known for being a champion in “creating a home-like environment for the patients,” she has played a pivotal role in the Serenity Unit for Alzheimer’s patients. Fannie’s innately empathetic posture helps her connect with the Alzheimer’s patients who struggle with their transition into serenity care.

Another member of the University Hill’s “A-team,” Glenda Reese, CNA, continues to make her mark by unifying the care center staff – especially in times of need. “We have all been impacted by a natural disaster or personal issue requiring time away from work and we’ve continually been supported by the employees, administration and Consulate Health Care,” she said. Her leadership over more than two decades at University Hills has helped bring financial and emotional support when others have needed a hand up.

When it comes to making staff feel at home, loved, and part of the Consulate family, Gloria Williams has also been there to lend her ear. In fact, the familial atmosphere is what Gloria Williams will tell you she most enjoys about University Hills. As a CNA, she cares for our residents, but her personal investment as a mentor has made her an asset to the care center’s employee relations staff who views Gloria as an ambassador of their vision and a reflection of our Core Values. “Whenever issues may arise, Gloria usually has an answer to a question and a solution to a problem,” said Paula.

The final member of the University Hill’s “A-team” is known for her super power of incredible knowledge. As someone who’s been willing to take on new responsibilities over the better part of two decades, Gretchen Donaghy-Bolyard has become a clinical go-to for new employees and tough questions. Being a resource for so many people might sound taxing, especially when you consider what Gretchen already puts into her own job as an MDS Coordinator. Unsurprisingly, she doesn’t view in that way. “Teamwork makes the dream work,” she told us with a smile in her voice.
As you can see, Consulate (very intentionally) hired four women who haven’t worked a single day for the better part of three decades, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Thanks to University Hills’ superhero squad, our residents and fellow employees have witnessed steady leadership and thoughtful action. Our thank you and congratulations goes to Fannie, Glenda, Gloria, and Gretchen – we’re so proud to recognize you!
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