Everyone knows that eating right can help manage physical health, but were you aware that your diet can play a huge role in the strength of your memory? This is especially important to consider as you age and start to look for ways to support strong cognition. If you’re looking to make improvements to your nutrition, consider incorporating foods that help more than just your waistline. Check out this list of five foods that support your memory and get cooking with them today!

1. Fish
Seafood has long been touted as a healthy alternative to higher-fat proteins like red meat, which is a known artery-clogger. In addition to helping you manage your weight and heart health, fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids, an anti-inflammatory compound that’s believed to promote strong memory, according to Health magazine. Specifically, many types of fish are high in docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, a type of fatty acid that’s been shown to help neurons function properly. Try grilling some salmon up and using it to top your next salad, or switch out that weekly hamburger with a tuna burger instead.

2. Colorful fruit
Who said eating right had to be bland and boring? According to Everyday Health, you should try to bring as many delicious, colorful fruits into your diet as possible. Dark berries, like blackberries, blueberries, strawberries and raspberries help keep protect brain cells from damage. They also help keep your brain’s blood vessels clear and healthy. The source also suggested filling up on cherries, plums, red grapes and oranges, all of which have been shown to promote healthy, strong memories. Next time you’re charged with bringing dessert to a party, try swapping out sugary treats for a fresh, radiant and nutritious fruit salad.

Photo of a couple preparing a salad

Photo of a couple preparing a salad

3. Dark leafy greens
Your mother probably advised you to eat your green vegetables when you were young so you could grow healthy and strong, and she was right! And while it’s important to eat these when you’re young, it’s even more vital you consume them regularly as you age. According to Health magazine, dark leafy greens are an excellent source of brain-healthy vitamin E. They also provide you with folate, which has been shown to lower levels of homocysteine in the blood. This amino acid is speculated to kill nerve cells in the brain, so reducing your blood’s levels can help you maintain strong cognition. Some greens you should consider introducing into your diet include spinach, broccoli and kale.

4. Whole grains
Switching to whole grain bread, pasta and rice could make all the difference when it comes to maintaining a healthy brain. Not only do they keep your heart in good shape, but they also do a lot to support your memory. Health magazine explained that whole grains were found to be an integral part of the Mediterranean diet, a way of eating that has been shown to greatly improve overall health by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. Try starting your day with a healthy bowl of oatmeal. If you don’t like it plain, try spicing it up with some fresh fruit or a dash of cinnamon.

5. Tomatoes
Next time you make a sandwich or salad, be sure to throw a few slices of tomato in the mix. According to the BBC, tomatoes are high in lycopene, an antioxidant that helps protect your brain cells from free radical damage. This protection could be influential in preventing memory decline and keeping your brain sharp and healthy. Try whipping up some homemade tomato sauce and serving it over whole grain pasta for a delicious brain-boosting meal.

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