Many people are aware that heart disease is a serious health concern. In fact, it’s the No. 1 cause of death for both women and men. Still, many people aren’t properly educated about this common yet severe illness. Here are three important facts everyone should know about heart disease.

1. Women are at a high risk for heart disease

While coronary issues affect both men and women, more women than men have died each year from heart problems since 1984. The Heart Foundation explained that an estimated 43 million women are currently living with heart disease in the U.S., and 90 percent of those women possess at least one risk factor for developing coronary illness. Despite these staggering statistics, only 1 in 5 women think heart disease is the greatest risk to their well-being.

Part of this misconcepHeart_Health_text_boxtion is due to the fact that symptoms commonly associated with heart disease are unique to men. Women typically experience a slew of other reactions to coronary illness, including unexpected symptoms like nausea and stomach pain.

Heart disease can affect anyone, so it's important to learn the facts.

Heart disease can affect anyone, so it’s important to learn the facts.

2. Sleeping well is key to prevention

Many people don’t realize that sleep isn’t just relaxing. It’s necessary for overall health, and particularly crucial for people concerned with the condition of their heart. Dr. Oz explains that people who sleep less than six hours each night may be twice as likely to develop coronary issues compared to people who rest for between seven and eight hours every night. This is partially because sleep can help regulate your body’s insulin levels, which must be stable for you to manage your weight and blood sugar.

Notably, exhaustion is a symptom of heart disease in women, so if you’re a woman who is getting plenty of sleep and still feels drained, you should consult with your doctor.

3. Smoking exacerbates the issue

Despite the widespread knowledge that smoking causes major damage to the body, many people continue to indulge in this addictive habit. Sucking on a cigarette doesn’t simply put you at risk for lung cancer, however. It also greatly increases your chances of developing coronary issues. WebMD explained that smoking prevents your heart from getting the proper amount of oxygen.

It also causes your heart rate to speed up and your blood pressure to rise, all factors that contribute to heart disease. Additionally, cigarette smoke, including secondhand smoke, causes blood clots to develop and destroys the inside of your blood vessels. All of this damage can result in severe coronary issues.


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