Teddy Bear Picnics are an occasion where children take their favorite stuffed animals outside to enjoy some playtime and food. Your family can start this tradition and use it as an opportunity to unite grandparents, kids and grandkids for some quality time together. Here are some tips to get your picnic started:
Pick a locale
Some families have perfect backyards for hosting a picnic. If you don’t, grassy areas that allow for a blanket and some lawn chairs can be found in local parks or possibly even at a senior living community. Hosting your own little picnic where your senior loved one resides can make it easy for you to ensure he or she will attend. Plus, if you are concerned about mobility issues such as helping the individual into and out of your car or up stairs, this may be your best option. Mobile seniors can attend a picnic just about anywhere.
Make food
Some seniors have dietary restrictions due to medication or digestive troubles, so be sure you know what your older loved one can and cannot eat before packing picnic food. Consider where you’re going to enjoy the food too. If the Teddy Bear Picnic is at home, refrigerated items are fine as you can easily get them from the kitchen. Consider packing a cooler if you’re headed elsewhere and make sure you have a way to keep foods chilled. Or, you might want to avoid this altogether by only eating items that don’t need temperature control. Lunch meat and veggie sandwiches, salads and fruit are all easy-to-eat picnic options that everyone can enjoy. Don’t forget drinks like iced tea or water – it’s important to stay hydrated in the summer heat!

Gather stuffed animals
Your kids likely have a stuffed critter or two that they want to bring along on the picnic. Be sure these family members get a seat in your car! You could also take along your own favorite stuffed animals. Perhaps there is a bear in your attic that you can bring. Your senior loved one may light up upon seeing the toy as he or she likely has fond memories of you toting it around as a kid.
Get comfy
While you may be willing to sit cross-legged on a picnic blanket, your senior friend or family member may not be so flexible. Take along comfortable lawn chairs complete with cushions and potentially a sun umbrella to shield your loved one from the sun’s rays. You’ll also need a blanket, plates, cups and silverware. Don’t forget to grab the food and drinks on your way out the door!
If you want to make your Teddy Bear Picnic a bigger event, consider talking with your senior friend or family member to see if he or she wants to invite a friend or two. Perhaps you could even open up the gathering to the entire senior living community and host it at the residence lawn. It’s a great way to get other families involved and spend time with one another outdoors.
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