While you adore spending time with your grandchildren, things can get a little hectic when it’s raining and the festivities need to be contained indoors. Don’t be at a loss next time the weather turns dreary. Instead, try one of these fun activities your grandkids will be sure to love.
Have a treasure hunt
Rainy days mean there’s lots of pent-up energy inside your home that would normally be released through outdoor activities. One way to encourage the kids to be active without running amok is to set up an indoor treasure hunt, suggested Real Simple magazine. Hide a special prize somewhere in your home, and give each grandchild an initial clue that leads them to additional hints,eventually bringing them to the treasure. If your grandkids are older, have them all search individually and award the winner with a small gift like candy or a toy. To avoid creating conflict among younger players, you could have them solve the mystery as a group and give them a communal prize when they reach the end.

Shoot a film
Allow the kids to get creative by having them film their own movie, recommended Oprah. Simply give them a few costume pieces and props to work with and help them organize their ideas into a script. Have them memorize lines scene-by-scene and film them on a video camera or phone. For younger kids, simply have them improvise their lines. Not only will this keep them occupied all day, but you’ll have a quirky and hilarious family movie to show at holidays and gatherings for years to come!
Create a movie fort
With the winds howling and rain falling, your idea of the perfect day is probably curling up on the couch and watching a good movie. Unfortunately your grandkids are probably too hyper to settle down and sit still. Fix this problem by having them build a fort before you pop in the DVD. Allow them to use pillows, blankets, chairs and couches to create a comfy world of tents where they can snuggle while watching the film. Because fort building involves lots of trial and error, they’ll probably be just tired enough to sit through a film by the time their fortress has been created and the popcorn has been popped!
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