Celebrating Judy Morgan, ACE Award Winner
Many do not believe in “true” altruism, the idea that someone would commit an act of sharing, helping, or sacrificing without the expectation of receiving some sort of benefit in return. They may have never believed in it, because they never met Judy Morgan. Known for her kind and empathetic nature, Judy was affectionately referred to as “a ray of sunshine” by her residents. Today we want to honor Judy Morgan, who passed away shortly after winning Consulate Health Care’s ACE Award, our company-wide recognition for employees who exhibit the best of Consulate by personifying all five of our Core Values.
Four years ago, Judy Morgan joined the Consulate team as a CNA and Activity Assistant at the University Hills Health and Rehabilitation Center in Pensacola, FL. During the four years she worked at the center, Judy came into work with a smile on her face, each and every day. Ask her residents what Judy was like and they’ll be quick to share their observations. “If Judy says something, she stands by her word, no matter what,” said one. “She always asked me what I want to do,” said another. That’s because Judy made going the extra mile seem commonplace. Beyond voicing the wants and needs of her residents, she was well known for picking up extra shifts, assisting with special events, and replacing missing items for residents. These weren’t things Judy was asked to do, this was Judy’s nature – selflessness.
This selflessness – the lengths she went to to ensure the health and wellbeing of others – was demonstrated by the way she treated her residents as family members. She would accompany residents to physician appointments to ensure that they received their tests and paperwork. For example, when one resident was scared to have a PET scan after being diagnosed with metastatic cancer, Judy knew how important it was to have the scan done quickly. Judy rearranged her schedule so she could be with her resident all day and accompany her wherever she was needed. Judy held the resident’s hand all the way until the scan and continued to reassure her throughout the process. If it weren’t for Judy, this resident may not have completed the PET scan and have been given the course of treatment as quickly and effectively.

Judy’s altruistic nature won the respect and admiration of her residents, their families, her coworkers, and all of us at Consulate Health Care. The time and patience she invested in her residents and the helping hand she consistently extended to her fellow employees at University Hills is to be revered, respected, and repeated in all of our care centers. We know Judy was a ray of sunshine and her memory continues to warm the hearts of everyone at the University Hills Health and Rehabilitation Center. She reminds us what our Core Values were intended to do and how impactful they can be on our residents. Judy Morgan will be deeply missed and we are humbled and honored to have had such a light shine on Consulate Health Care.
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