When the clock strikes five, many people are ready to punch out and head home. But even after a productive day of work, there are those selfless people who willingly give their time to help make someone else’s day a little brighter. At Consulate Health Care, we’re fortunate to employ many of these people, and one employee in particular has shown time and again that she is willing to donate her time, after hours, to benefit others in need.

Shelly Lam works as the Director of Admissions at Kings Daughters Community Health & Rehabilitation in Staunton, VA, but her day doesn’t end when she clocks out. Since she works with people who struggle with various illnesses and diseases on a daily basis, Shelly was excited to learn about a chronic illness management program that could benefit some of the residents who struggle with taking their medications, managing their diets, and controlling their emotions as a result of their health conditions. The Chronic Disease Self-Management Education Program is designed to help people find solutions to the problems that often accompany these ongoing health conditions. Course leaders work as unpaid volunteers who dedicate their free time to encourage participants to take greater responsibility for their health.

VPAStextAfter speaking with the program’s education coordinator and getting a better understanding of how it could help her residents, Shelly offered to host the six-week course at the Kings Daughters care center and even decided that she would train to become a workshop leader, which would allow her to facilitate the course herself. After receiving her certification to lead the workshop, Shelly’s genuine care and concern for the residents made it clear she was the perfect person for the position. She taught participants how to effectively manage their medications and improve their diet and exercise habits. Not only did she spend time working with the residents in a group setting, she worked with them one-on-one to help tackle specific, more personal issues they were facing. Under her guidance, the nine program participants were able to manage their health more effectively and graduated from the course feeling more confident and empowered.

Shelly spends her free time volunteering for the residents of the Kings Daughters care center because she is truly invested in their comfort and well-being. It’s compassionate gestures like these that represent our mission of “Providing Service with Our Hearts and Hands”, and we couldn’t be more grateful to have employees like Shelly living this ideal day in and day out. Thank you for all you do, Shelly!


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