Your parents take care of you for much of your life. When the tables turn and you begin worrying about them for a change, things can get a little awkward. It can be difficult to bring up tough subjects like weight loss or memory issues with someone who has always been independent. Here are some indirect ways to check on your senior loved ones:
Inspect the kitchen
We’ve all forgotten about something in the cupboard until after it was expired. But a fridge full of uneaten or rotting items may indicate that your senior loved ones aren’t taking care of themselves. Do a quick check of your parents’ fridge to make sure they’re not using expired condiments or eating spoiled food. Then, check the cabinets. Toss any cereal or other pantry goods that are past their “best by” dates. When seniors have memory loss they don’t think to check for expiration dates before pouring a bowl of fiber flakes. Looking in the kitchen may also give you clues as to why your mom and dad may be losing or gaining weight. Unhealthy foods that are full of sugar and fat can cause diabetes and other health issues, so you may want to talk with your parents about switching to better options. While fresh produce is delicious, your parents may better benefit from frozen because they don’t have to stress about using it up quickly.
Take a look at their mail
Do your parents leave their mail out on the dining table or counter? If so, consider taking a moment to look at it. Without opening anything you can learn about some crucial aspects of your parents’ finances. “Older adults are often vulnerable to scammers. Even those who have always been fiscally prudent are vulnerable if they’re having trouble with thinking skills – a common sign of Alzheimer’s disease”, noted Look for repeat mail from charities that often ask for donations over and over. Seniors who have dementia or other memory loss may give multiple times because they forget they’ve already donated recently. Also note any suspicious looking sender addresses like those from countries you have no connection to. These may be signs your parents are being scammed. Unopened bills are another issue to address as your parents may be past-due on paying for important utilities or accounts.

Check your parents’ vehicles
If your mom and dad are still driving, the state of their vehicle(s) can tell you a lot about how they’re doing. Check for any signs of accidents such as cracks in the bumper or dents. Take a drive with your mom or dad at the wheel. Note his or her reaction time and reflexes. Does he or she stop with adequate room before the next car? There may be signs of memory loss if your loved one confuses the gas and brake pedals. These are all signs the senior may no longer be safe on the road, and could use the help of a senior living community. It’s a good opportunity to make sure the car is running properly as well by having it serviced or checked.
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